News Review-Week 5

Brexit: A Very British Revolution

  • Is it a sign against the globalization?
  • Democracy means referendum?
  • Will the ad still have the same value if people can skip ad?
  • If the need for skipping button is so strong, what’s the point to put ad online?

Deception for the Sake of Young Innocence

  • How can a parent of young children explain the harsh realities of the world?

  • Should we protect children by creating an ideal world.

News Review-Week 4

Why Doing Nothing Is So Scary–and So Important By Samantha Boardman

Not having something to do makes people anxious.They never take any time to pause, to reflect, or to just think. Life is nonstop. Even when they are not busy their minds are occupied.
Years later, I read a study about people who were asked to sit alone in a windowless room without any distractions for 15 minutes. No magazines. No cellphones. Nothing. According to the findings, participants found being alone without any distraction so challenging that many resorted to giving themselves unpleasant electric shocks to interrupt the boredom.

Ode to a Summer Dress By Barbara Stepko

Ode, from ancient Greek, a lyric poem in the form of an address to a particular subject, often elevated in style or manner and written in varied or irregular meter.It doesn’t take a warbling nightingale to prompt a modern-day poem.

You feel silk spin
and places where the sun designs to touch.

News Review–Week 3

The Price Women Leaders Pay for Assertiveness—and How to Minimize It By Melissa J. Willams

Do female leaders get penalized for being “too” assertive? It isn’t hard to find claims that people react differently to women than men in leadership roles. This article remind me of my former boss, which is a female. I think she’s a brilliant leader with great abilities. But still some male employees didn’t show enough respect and admiration. Yet the new research shows that women weren’t penalized for assertiveness that was expressed through nonverbal means—such as through expansive bodily stances or physical proximity.

This new finding opens up possibilities for women, who may feel they face a Catch-22 in their professional roles: being effective leaders without being penalized for being effective leaders. It certainly isn’t ideal—or fair—but by using these alternative expressions of leadership, women can sidestep the prejudices that make it hard to keep the respect and admiration of their team.

Welcome to Journalism’s Reel World By Stinson Carter

Many producers who want to make sophisticated, grown-up movies are turning to long-form journalism for source material. People nowadays prefer real stories and it’s easier to find original ideas from magazine articles.  Sometimes it seems that all the smart content has migrated to television, like Argo and Spotlight.

The magazine world is a bazaar of ideas for movies, where Hollywood can go shopping for new stories.

Everything Is More Expensive Than It Looks By Jason Zweig

In order to estimate your investments’ intrinsic value — how much all the money they are likely to generate in the future is worth in the present — you have to take interest rates into account. That value equals all the cash an asset should generate in the future, adjusted for the uncertainty and delay in receiving that cash — and how much you could earn by keeping your money in a so-called “risk-free” investment instead.
“If you can only buy expensive things,” says Mr. Ilmanen, “at least buy a diverse set of them.”

Instantiations–Week 2

Executive Summary

1. Company Information

“Parade Management” is a company focus on providing the most intuitive and easy to use system to help manage parade units, volunteers, sponsors, and finances.

2. The Mission Statement

This is a company for parade organizers, parade float builders, event managers, local communities, Chamber of Commerce executives, etc. to learn about organizing or improving local parades and building floats, and to provide networking with industry experts.

3. Growth Highlights

  • Provide an complete and professional parade system to save time and money.
  • Provide a platform to search for better resources.
  • Help promote and advertise the parade with the big influence.

4. Products/Services

  • Feature-packed parade management solutions.
  • A platform to connect and develop relationships with all resources involved in a parade.
  • Professional training and lectures.

5. Future Plans

  • Build own website, app and other online media.
  • Hire professional staff with various background from event management, exhibition design, marketing and etc.

News Review–Week 2

Four Not-So-Obvious Things to Consider When Deciding to Buy or Rent By Neil_Irwin

Is it better to rent or buy? A common misleading is that “If I don’t buy now, I won’t be able to afford to buy tomorrow”. Sometimes people say that renting is “just throwing money away,” while when you buy a home, the mortgage interest and property taxes you pay are also throwing money away.

Psychologically, you find it hard to save and are always tempted to take a vacation rather than plow money into a brokerage account, buying a house with borrowed money is a way to trick yourself into doing so and help ensure you have a meaningful net worth when retirement rolls around.

A Guaranteed Income for Every American By Charles Murray

What if replace the welfare state with a universal basic income? Will it foster idleness and vice? In the author’s version, every American citizen age 21 and older would get a $13,000 annual grant deposited electronically into a bank account in monthly installments. Three thousand dollars must be used for health insurance. The entire bureaucratic apparatus of government social workers would disappear, but Americans would still possess their historic sympathy and social concern. I think the key factor is how to encourage people to make better life choices.

As of 2015, the Current Population Survey tells us that 18% of unmarried males and 23% of unmarried women ages 25 through 54—people of prime working age—weren’t even in the labor force. Just about all of them were already living off other people’s money. The question isn’t whether a UBI will discourage work, but whether it will make the existing problem significantly worse.

How to Teach Scientific Imagination By Frank Wilczek

This article uses “Sim City”, the popular computer game as a example of how a game/experimentation can influences imagination. There are many differences between designing mock-cities and designing machines, circuits, molecules, scientific instruments or new laws of physics, but the spirit of play and creativity is a big, common and probably fungible element.
Albert Einstein said, “Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited to all we now know and understand, while imagination embraces the entire world, and all there ever will be to know and understand.”