Thesis Connection

At first, I thought the Seminar is a course to discuss some trendy or sensitive issues, but this class achieves more, especially makes me to rethink the topic and structure of my thesis. Here to write relationship of what I discovered or learned in Seminar to my thesis
methodology and approach.

I think the task of meeting new people every week is so interesting and helpful. For me, it took quite a lot of courage to talk to strangers. And I found out the more difficult part is how to continue and lead the conversation. I had prepared some questions before, but due to people’s various reaction, most of time I didn’t follow the schedule I made. Sometimes the unexpected results were fascinating, sometimes they just went to different directions. What I have learned from this assignment is how to observe people during the conversation. Not only their appearances or facial expressions, but also their reactions and behaviors. Observations can form a part of either quantitative or qualitative research.  If a researcher wants to know what people do under certain circumstances, the most straightforward way to get this information is sometimes simply to watch them under those circumstances. There are a number of potential ethical concerns that can arise with an observation study. Do the people being studied know that they are under observation?  Can they give their consent?  If some people are unhappy with being observed, is it possible to ‘remove’ them from the study while still carrying out observations of the others around them?

Since the purpose of thesis is not to solve a problem, I’m wondering what can I do to contribute to the design area. My thesis is focus on building virtual as well as emotional experience, combining technology with narratives. I pay lots of attention to the future assumption, but overlook the history. The history and development of technology gave some inspirations. Especially most of the great inventions were the outcomes of accidents and created unexpected consequences, even changed the way of communication and entertainment. I would like to add the case study in my thesis. Here the main attention is on a particular project, technology or set of documents. A case study enables me to focus on a specific example. A major challenge in case study dissertations is connecting my own primary research or re-analysis with the broader theoretical themes.

Then other thing I’d like to try is focus group. Pick several participants, there is an emphasis in the questioning on a tightly defined topic. The accent is on interaction within the group and the joint construction of meaning.

News Review–Week 7

Tribunal Rejects Beijing’s Claims in South China Sea

  • Who has the right/power to judge other countries’ territorial issues?
  • Who stand behind Philippines and what’s their purpose?

Pokémon Go Brings Augmented Reality to a Mass Audience

  • Is a new way of communication/dating, through virtual reality?
  • What’s the impulse behind this popularity, childhood memory, competition or just following the trend?

So Much Student Debt, So Much IgnoranceSo Much Student Debt, So Much Ignorance

  • Why the higher education in US is so expensive, especially compare to other countries in the world?
  • Is it worth for poor students to carry such amount of debt to afford higher education?


The First Super Glue

The first Super Glue was an accidental invention during the World War II. The original cyanoacrylates, the chemical name for the glue, were discovered in 1942 by Dr. Harry Coover in a search for materials to make clear plastic gun sights for the war. One particular formulation he came up with didn’t work well for gun sights, but worked effectively as an extremely quick boding adhesive. However, this material was quickly rejected by American researchers due to being too sticky.

Nine years later, in 1951, now working at Eastman Kodak, Dr. Coover was the supervisor of a project looking at developing a heat resistant acrylate polymer for jet canopies. His colleague, Fred Joyner, at one point used the rediscovered Super Glue and tested its solidity successfully. This time, Coover recognized the its true commercial potential that would quickly bond to a variety of materials and only needed a little water to activate.

The Super Glue was first sold as a commercial product in 1958 by Eastman Kodak and was called “Eastman #910”, re-named “Super Glue” later. By the 1970s, numerous manufactures of cyanoacrylate glues had popped up, with Eastman Kodak, Loctite, and Permabond accounting for around ¾ of all “Super Glue” sales.

In general, the Super Glue was invented by the same people, twice. It didn’t hit the public market until well after World War II had ended. Dr. Coover didn’t just invent Super Glue, but also held the patents to over 460 other inventions.  He also developed a unique “programmed innovation” method which he implemented at Kodak and which resulted in a remarkable 320 new products being developed under his supervision while he was at Kodak.  During that span, those products helped raise Kodak’s annual revenue from $1.8 billion to $2.5 billion.  He later left Kodak and formed a consulting group that would teach businesses his programmed innovation methods.

News Review–Week 6

Live Footage of Shootings Forces Facebook to Confront New Role

A Start-Up Shies Away From the Gig Economy

  • What’s the valuable of just doing cool stuff?
  • Is it freelance creating more vitality or instability to a start-up?

Gender Equality Comes to the World of Emoji

  • Will this shift of online symbols effluence the real world?
  • How does emoji “provide emotional resonance” within communications?


July 11–Reading Review

The Valorized Designer

  • What kind of of courses can combine theory with practice?

Towards Relational Design

  • Does the Globalization reduce the cultural diversity?
  • What’s the effect of “Non-linear” Design?
  • Who’s the “end-user”?

If Design’s No Longer the Killer Differentiator, What Is?

  • If technology is not much important, what’s the value of designer’s skill?

Notes on Improvisation and Design

  • How do we find the balance when consumers will be creates? (co-designer, the new role, how to draw the line)
  • What kinds of value are shared with Jazz and design? (rough framework to bring creativity, allow people to play beyond themselves, consistent but freely )
  • How to design the frame to guide people to improvise? (rules, characters, interactions)(Jazz: based on participatory methods, require little prior knowledge, judged on deviation from original, evaluated as interactive, creative instability)
  • How to deal with the instability, can we accept all results? How to judge?
  • How designers inspire the users to do improvisation?
  • 4 patterns: involve the audiences, define parameters, no pre-knowledge, accepting all offers

The Most Important Design Jobs Of The Future

  • What’s the feature to design virtual scenarios?
  • Computer mades aesthetic choices means personification?

The Future Mundane

  • Design the narrative means combine words with images?


June 27–Film and Reading Review

Last Year at Marienbad

  • X-A-M
  • Those painting or sculptures imply that Mr. X and Ms. A are not real people?

2001 Space Odyssey

  • The black stone represents mysterious origin of human, outside power in the universe or the true science about nature?
  • The shape of  spaceship assembles the first tool(bone) people used, implies the relationship between human and tools. We take use of tool to discover the nature and universe.

Understanding Media

  • If the medium is the message, means that we can create the character of the medium?
  • Do different media transform the content?